How is the Most Expensive Coffee Made? “Kopi Luwak”
The most expensive coffee in the world is often referred to as “Kopi Luwak” or “Civet coffee.” It is made using a unique and somewhat controversial process. Here’s an overview of how it is produced:

- Harvesting: Kopi Luwak originates from Indonesia, although it is also produced in other countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam. The coffee beans used for Kopi Luwak come from the droppings of a small mammal called the Asian palm civet or luwak. These animals are primarily tree-dwelling and feed on coffee cherries.
- Digestion and selection: The civets consume the coffee cherries but are unable to fully digest the beans. The beans pass through the animal’s digestive system, where they undergo fermentation and enzymatic reactions. The civets’ digestive enzymes and the unique conditions inside their digestive tract are believed to influence the flavour of the coffee.
- Collection: After the civets excrete the beans, they are collected from their feces. In the past, this was done by searching for civet droppings in the wild. However, due to increased demand, there are now farms that keep civets in captivity for the purpose of collecting their droppings.
- Cleaning and processing: The collected beans are thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities. The outer husks are carefully removed, revealing the coffee beans inside. These beans are then washed and dried before undergoing further processing.
- Roasting and brewing: Once the beans are dried, they are roasted to the desired level. The roasting process can greatly affect the flavour profile of the coffee. After roasting, the beans are ground and brewed using conventional methods such as drip brewing or espresso preparation.

The high price of Kopi Luwak is attributed to several factors. Firstly, the production process is labour-intensive, as collecting the beans from the civet droppings is a time-consuming task. Additionally, the supply is relatively limited, as it is challenging to produce large quantities of Kopi Luwak. The unique flavour resulting from the fermentation and enzymatic reactions during digestion also contributes to its exclusivity and high demand among coffee enthusiasts.
It is important to note that the production of Kopi Luwak has faced criticism due to ethical concerns regarding the treatment and welfare of civets. In the past, wild civets were captured and kept in cages, leading to animal welfare issues. However, some farms now prioritize ethical practices by allowing civets to roam freely and consume coffee cherries voluntarily.
How much is kopi Luwak a kilo?
The price of Kopi Luwak can vary significantly depending on its quality, origin, and market demand. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the average price for Kopi Luwak ranged from $100 to $600 per kilogram. However, it’s worth noting that certain rare and premium varieties can be even more expensive, reaching several thousand dollars per kilogram. So lets see how is the most expensive coffee in the world made?
Kopi Luwak Preparation.
In terms of preparation, Kopi Luwak can be brewed using various methods similar to regular coffee. It can be prepared as espresso, brewed using a French press, or even made using a traditional drip coffee maker. The brewing process does not necessarily require any specific adjustments compared to other coffees. However, it’s always recommended to follow the general guidelines for brewing coffee, such as using the appropriate grind size and water-to-coffee ratio, to achieve the desired flavor profile.
It’s important to note that while Kopi Luwak is known for its unique flavor, which is attributed to the digestive processes of the civets, taste preferences can vary among individuals. Some people appreciate its distinct characteristics, while others may not find it significantly different from other high-quality coffees. Ultimately, the experience and enjoyment of Kopi Luwak can be subjective.

I hope this quick guide to how is the most expensive coffee in the world made was informative and you take the plunge and try this exquisite coffee out
Brendon McAliece is a multi-lingual expat who brings over three decades of flight simulator/PC building experience as well as over two decades of real-world jet fighter experience as a weapons/egress technician. He holds a sport pilot certificate giving him real-world flying experience. Hi travels have taken him from Europe to the Middle East, Asia and his home of Australia. He has a passion for travel, languages, Flight simulation as well as Guitaring and Coffee. You can read more in his blogs below.